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Welcome to the home page.

From here you can search the database straight away by typing in the Search box. This is called Simple Search and it's explained below.
You can also click on the other menu options or go to one of the websites listed in the three boxes below.
The first box lists the last ten bookmarks that have been added/updated in; the second lists the last user's favourites links (if the 'Remember Last User' option is checked in the Preferences and someone has logged in previously); the last box towards the right hand of the screen lists the bookmarks with the highest rating scores.
By default, if you click on one of those links, a pop-up window is shown; here you can just accept the website address that you are proposed or type a new one. This is useful because you can use it as a shortcut to type new websites you want to visit and also because these websites won't be recorded in the browser address bar list. Please see a detailed explanation in the Preferences help section and more about this website in the About menu.

The Simple Search is, in a way, more powerful then the Advanced.
Here you can type multiple words separated by spaces and all those words will be searched in most fields of the database.
More specifically, they'll be searched in Site Address, Description, Category, Sub Category and Tags. Basically, the way you're used to in a normal search engine.
For example, if you want to find websites that deal with Flights and Hotels and you type "fli hot" all the above fields will be searched for both "fli" and "hot" as if they were two separate queries.

The difference with the Advanced Search is that, in the latter, the search is filtered down by each field. So if you type something in 'Site Address' and 'Description' only the sites that match both will be returned.

Advanced Sites Search Back

When you select this option you are presented with a series of fields to refine your search.
If you leave everything as it is and click on "Search" you will see, in the next page, all the web sites entered in the site table by all users. You will not see your own entries marked as "Personal" here as this is accessible to everyone. To see your personal sites you need to login.

You can specify one or all of the following:

ID: You should enter the bookmark number (code) only if you know it exactly otherwise leave it blank. If you specify a value here it doesn't make sense to enter any other criteria as the ID identifies a website uniquely.
This is used mainly if you want to give somebody a link to your entry.
You can also add three special parameters to the URL you get this way and they are as follow:
neww, newh are the new width and height of your multimedia file
noinf=y means that you don't want to display the standard information around the multimedia, such as web address, description, etc.
Here's an example that you can test yourself:
This is the only way you can exceed the dimension you requested and it can be used to make a sort of mini-website.
It will work in public mode, advanced searches only.

Site Address: If you don't remember exactly how a site is called you can enter, for example, 'free'. This will search for every site address containing the letters 'free'.

Description: You can now also search in the Description field the same way you'd do for the Site Address. Type any word or part of it and you'll get all the sites that match what you entered.

Category/Sub Category: Extract all the sites that belong to that Category/Sub Category.

Tags: Here you can enter one word only or the exact match in the Tags field of the sites you're looking for. For example you can enter 'maps' or 'maps, pictures' but only if the sites are catalogued exactly as 'maps, pictures' they will be found in the second instance. In other words, if a site has 'maps, pictures, images' in the Tags field it won't be extracted by the search if you type 'maps, images'. But it will if you just enter 'maps' (or 'pictures', or 'images') .

Site Rating: Specifying a value here, you can find, for example, all sites with a rating greater or equal to 5.

Language: English is the default but you can look for another language or all the ones in the database.

Country: Like the language (except that ALL is the default), you can look for sites aimed at a specific country.

Preferences Back

Here you can set your Preferences on the Search Results and the website in general.

Number of Results is the number of rows you want to see displayed on every page.

Sort Order sets the field by which the results are sorted by default.

Select "A --> Z" if you want the results to be sorted in ascending order or "Z --> A" in descending order.

Check "Results in Same Window" if you want the search results to be displayed in the current browser window. If unchecked a new browser window will be opened (only in the public search).

If "Pop-up on Clicked Links" is checked, a confirmation box will be displayed and you will be prompted to accept the link you just clicked (in the Home page and also when you log in). You can also type in a new website address here (you don't have to type the whole http bit). This comes in handy if you don't want to open up a new browser window/tab and type the website address in the address bar. Besides, by using this pop-up box, the website you're visiting will not be stored in the browser address bar list. It will still be visible in the browser history though.

"External Links in Same Window" let's you open a visited website in the current window. You will loose your precious though (and have to click on the Back button to retrieve it) so we recommend you leave this unchecked.

Check "Remember Last User" if you want to remember whoever logged in last and display their favourites in the middle window. You may want to uncheck this if you're on a public/shared computer, although the favourites displayed here are different from the private ones.

Note: cookies must enabled in your browser in order for the preferences to be stored.

Sites Search Results Back

In this window you see a list of all the web sites in the database, filtered by the criteria you chose (in public mode only. When you log in the results are displayed under the same menu).

Login Back

In this window you need to enter your login name and password in order to access all the functions of the database.

Please see the About help for more details about this site.

Password request Back

If you forgot your password you can enter your user name in this window and, when you click on the submit button, you'll get the password sent to the email address you provided when you registered.

Register Back

You can create a new account here. This will grant you access to the part of the website that is password protected.

Please see the About help for more details about this site.

Contact Back

Send a message to the webmaster through the form.
You need to enter a valid email address in order to get a reply.

About Back

Info about
Mountain Flowers

Are you tired of getting hundreds of pages with meaningless results when you search for a website on a search engine?
Was it on the forth page of an endless list of seemingly all look-alike links? Or was it on the tenth? is a database where you can store your favourite websites so that when you search for them you'll get what you want in the way you want it. With you can carry your bookmarks with you everywhere. Not only, you can also share them with the rest of the world. 
This makes it a powerful search engine, with a twist. Yes because, apart from returning clean and neat search results, you can link each website with a multimedia object, being this a picture or a Flash animation, making it extremely memorable and immediately recognisable. If you think about it, graphics are the parts that immediately strike your attention in a web page (nice flowers, uh?). Well, everywhere, really. Did you jump to the same conclusion I did? Yes, this is a way to promote your website. This way, you are in charge of your own advertising campaign!
It is not meant to be a substitute for your favourite search engine though but more like an addendum and a tool.
If you want to see a very simple example please click here.
You can organize your websites by category and add useful search criteria so that you'll be able to find them easily.
When you search for a site you'll probably get a list with the closest match. You can sort this list by site address, description, date, and so on. And the information is presented in a way that is easy to read and understand. is basically divided into two main sections. The public one, where anyone can search the database and the personal one where you can work in only if you have registered.
In the personal section you can add, modify, delete, rate your websites and much more. You can even mark some websites to be strictly personal to you so that nobody else can see them. Although this feature is available, it is not encouraged because is also aiming to be a search engine for everyone to enjoy (you can share your sites with your friends if you make them public).

No illegal or offensive material can be posted on

You can use this website for FREE. You can post as many sites as you want, always for free but you will be charged a small fee if you want to upload a multimedia file, unless you can take advantage of a promotion like the one we have at the moment so login and check out the upload page. But hurry up. Grab your free picture or animation before they're all gone!

Please see the terms and conditions.

This website is best viewed in Firefox 1.5 or higher or Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. Other major browsers latest versions, such as Netscape 8 and Opera 9, should work fine as well.
You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to get the site to fully function and also Cookies must be enabled if you want your preferences to be stored. No other data will be stored apart from your chosen preferences. Although having cookies enabled is not essential for to work you'll soon realise that make it a better user experience.

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