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Site AddressDateRatingCountry vCategorySub CategoryLanguage
3/31/20078 InformationSharingEnglish
Social web site news oriented.      
7/1/20077 EntertainmentFun/ActivitiesEnglish
Quite expensive (£110 for 1/2 day) and not very environmentally friendly but surely an experience. Drive a digger trough a rough terrain for fun.      
 6 TravelAgencyEnglish
Trips to the far north...      
 7 ActivitiesVolunteeringEnglish
Volunteering opportunities in your local area.      
4/15/20068 InformationConsumersEnglish
Useful consumers' comments on many products.      
10/7/20078 PhotographyGeneralEnglish
Good and detailed reviews of all major models.      
8/24/20077 InformationCountryEnglish
It's a globe that sits inside your PC. You point and zoom to anyplace on the planet that you want to explore. Satellite images and local facts zoom into view. Now you can even explore space. Unfortunately requires installation.      
 7 CarRentalEnglish
Cheap cars for hire.      
 7 EntertainmentMoviesEnglish
Very good cinema search engine for the UK.      
5/5/20078 TravelFlightEnglish
Cheap flights. Better pilosts and timetables than Ryanair!      

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